News - Cellvizio - May 21, 2024

Mauna Kea Technologies Announces the Availability of Preparatory Documents for the Combined General Meeting of June 6, 2024 and the Instructions for Participation

Paris and Boston, May 21, 2024 - 5:45 p.m. CEST - Mauna Kea Technologies (Euronext Growth: ALMKT), inventor of Cellvizio®, the multidisciplinary probe and needle-based confocal laser endomicroscopy (p/nCLE) platform, today announced the availability of preparatory documents for the Combined General Meeting of June 6, 2024, to be held at 11:00 a.m. at the Company's head office at 9 rue d'Enghien, 75010 - Paris. 

Notice of the meeting, including the agenda, proposed resolutions and instructions for participating and voting at the meeting were published in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires (BALO) on May 1, 2024, bulletin n°53, announcement 2400984. 

This notice of meeting, together with the documents and information relating to the Combined General Meeting and the single voting form, can be accessed via the Company's website in the "Investors" section of the Shareholders' Meeting area, at the following address

Any shareholder may also obtain the documents referred to above, in accordance with Articles R.225-88 and R.225-89 of the French Commercial Code, by sending a written request to the Company's registered office at 9 rue d'Enghien, 75010 Paris. However, the Company invites shareholders to send all requests electronically to the following address 

Voting procedures 

The Company's shareholders are invited to exercise their voting rights prior to the Annual General Meeting in accordance with the procedures set out below and detailed in the notice of meeting brochure published today on the Company's website: 

  • Voting by mail or by proxy (by giving power of attorney to the Chairman of the Meeting or to a third party, or without specifying a proxy) by VOTACCESS electronic means is available and should be used as a priority. The secure VOTACCESS platform will be open from Friday May 17, 2024 at 9 a.m. (Paris time) and will close on Wednesday June 5, 2024 at 3 p.m. (Paris time). However, shareholders are strongly advised not to wait until the last few days to enter their voting instructions; 
  • Postal voting or proxy voting; 
  • Shareholders may also attend the Meeting in person. 

Besides, shareholders may submit written questions to the following e-mail address prior to the Annual General Meeting, until midnight on Friday, May 31, 2024, providing proof of shareholder status.