
Mauna Kea Technologies Announces the Launch of the Transfer of its Shares to Euronext Growth Paris

8 June 2023

Paris and Boston, June 8, 2023 – 5:45 PM CEST – Mauna Kea Technologies (Euronext: MKEA) inventor of Cellvizio®, the multidisciplinary probe and needle-based confocal laser endomicroscopy (p/nCLE) platform, today announces that the Combined General Meeting of Shareholders, held on June 2, 2023, approved, in accordance with the provisions of article L. 421-14 of the French Commercial Code, the proposed transfer of the Company's shares from the Euronext Paris regulated market, compartment C, to the Euronext Growth Paris market, and granted full powers to the Board of Directors to implement the transfer. In addition, the Board of Directors, which met following the Combined General Meeting of June 8, 2023, decided to implement this transfer. Subject to the approval of Euronext Paris, the Company's shares will be listed on Euronext Growth Paris under an accelerated listing procedure for existing shares, without the issue of new shares. 

"The decision to transfer our listing to Euronext Growth is a natural one, as this market is now perfectly suited to the Company's size and growth profile. We will benefit from a solid and expanding market to attract new investors. This decision is also an economic one, as it will enable us to reduce certain administrative costs and allocate our resources to value-creating activities", said Sacha Loiseau, Chairman and CEO of Mauna Kea Technologies. "At the same time, we will maintain regular and equally transparent communication, keeping the same accounting standards and frequencies of financial publication." 

Purpose of the transfer project 

This transfer project is designed to enable the Company to be listed on a market for growth companies, to support a market trend that is open to both professional and retail investors, and to gain access to a market with nearly 600 listed companies as at May 31, 2023. The lighter, more flexible regulatory framework will also provide greater flexibility in the event of market transactions, with the shares remaining eligible for the PEA-PME Securities Account. The main consequences of the proposed transfer are set out in the appendix. 

Listing Sponsor 

As part of its transfer to Euronext Growth, Mauna Kea Technologies is supported by Allegra Finance as Listing Sponsor. 

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